Psybient is a new music phenomena

Psybient is a mix of Psychedelic Trance and Ambient (Chill-out) Styles. It found it's origin by slow beat Goa & Psychedelic Trance. In later stadium it evolved to a more Ambient / Chill Style, with more complex rhythms and sample riffs. The amount of Music and PsyBient Projects grow. And now finally there is a nought material to start my DJ performing in this style. I even change my DJ name from MAN-X into SHA-MAN-X. That's name is suits me well, because of my knowledge of spiritual and herbal matters. I also trip on drugs, but only herbal, natural ones, not the chemical ones. Because I find out the damaging force it can have on the human structure. In my trip I make, listen to music or experiment with different states of consciousness.
The name PsyBient is first used by Yaniv Shulman from Israel, made the concept complete, by mixing Eastern & Western styles, in a way where these two styles support one an other, in a very trippy way. (far-out! ;)

My Concept
I put my more than 10 years of DJ experience into a practical concept. This concept is for me the balance and inter-action between two opposites. Like integration of the Eastern Mind by the West (and other way around). Like Dark and Light, Yin & Yang, Nature and Technique, Analogue & Digital. For me there the "two" ingredients for a balancing performance of creativity. New ideas en input will evolve this concept to a higher level.

DJ SHA-MAN-X POP mail link